Q: How does all of this work?
A: The community garden consists of raised beds mainly divided into 3′ x 6′ plots that are maintained by individuals or families, shared plots that are maintained by a group of gardeners, and lower to the ground kids gardens. The private plots – those maintained by individuals and families – are $30/each.
Q: What is the future of the garden and the pending construction?
A: Updates are passed along to gardeners whenever possible. Given multiple delays in the planning process for the construction, it is unclear when the construction will begin. It is projected that the garden will enjoy an undisturbed season through 2023.
Q: When does the garden open and close everyday?
A: This is an art, not a science. DPR unlocks and locks the gate to the garden – roughly around sunrise to sunset. But since they have to open all of the gardens, it sort of depends where Bruce Monroe falls in the lineup on any given day.
Q: How can I get more involved?
A: We would love to have more volunteers to help with the Garden leadership teams. Send us an email at brucemonroegarden@gmail.com.
Q: How do I/does someone I know get a plot?
A: Join the waitlist at this link here.
Q: Are there available plots?
A: This is ever-changing. We work hard to try to get as many gardeners in as possible.
Q: When can I plant in my plot?
A: Once you receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to claim your plot (including payment, waiver, and workday information) and complete the tasks outlined in that email, you may plant.
Q: What can I plant in my plot?
A: Vegetables, flowers, herbs, or any other legal plant is fair to plant. Workdays are a great chance to get inspiration from other gardeners as well.
We ask that you pay special attention to plants that have a tendency to grow large or grow quickly to ensure that they don’t impact neighboring plots. Experience has also taught us a few tricks. For example, brassicas (like kale and broccoli) tend to attract pests during the hot summer months, so it’s wise to avoid large quantities during hot months.
Q: What plants are not allowed in Bruce Monroe Community Garden plots?
A: Due to the aggressive nature of these plants, they may not be planted in the community garden beds: mint, horseradish and Jerusalem artichokes. If you want to grow one of these plants, they must be within a contained pot. Growing cannabis is prohibited.
We don’t encourage the growth of plants that grow large (summer squash, melons, cucumbers) and negatively impact other plots and/or pathways. Pathways must be kept free and clear at all times. Be sure to keep all plants pruned within the boundaries of your plot to ensure they are not pruned by other gardeners during work days.
Q: What do I do if a plot looks empty/unattended/is spilling over into my plot?
A: Let us know about any plots that are in need of love. Send an email to brucemonroegarden@gmail.com.
Q: What are the shared plots?
A: The shared beds are grown by and for the community, with all welcome to harvest, whether or not you are a BMCG member. They are focused on things that can be easily harvested and regrow quickly, such as greens, herbs, tomatoes, peppers, etc. as opposed to large harvestables or root veggies that can be tempting for community members to harvest prematurely, or large crops like melons that take a long time to grow and can’t be as easily distributed to a number of community members.
Q: How do I know which ones are shared beds?
A: The shared beds are at the southeast corner of the garden, marked in red, as well as the lower beds along the perimeter of the garden.
Q: Is there water at the garden?
A: Yep! It is turned on in the spring and turned off in the fall. This is also subject to DPR, but water is available during the hot summer months.
Q: Can I get help watering my plot?
A: It’s very likely. In the summer months we set up a “water swap” system that helps gardeners who are unable to get to the garden (mostly due to travel) to support other gardeners by watering their plots. Attending workdays is also the best way to make friends with your plot neighbors who can also often pitch in when needed.
Q: Are there tools available for gardeners to use?
A: Yep! Lots of them. We ask that you put all tools back in the shed after use and ensure that the shed is locked. Note that there are often other communal items in the tool shed as well – like extra seeds.
Q: How do I use the compost system?
A: All gardeners can use the garden waste bins. The cinder block compost bins on the RIGHT side (when looking at the dog run) are for garden waste. We ask that you NOT put weeds into the compost bins.
Q; What about the other bins used for food?
A: To use the full DPR food compost system, you must join the compost cooperative and attend a short training. Email brucemonroegarden@gmail.com for more information.
Q: What is a garden workday?
A: Workdays are used to complete general garden maintenance and keep the garden working smoothly. Those with private plots must attend four a year. Generally, workdays are held from 10am – 1pm on the third Sunday and fourth Saturday of every month. THIS IS NOT ALWAYS THE CASE. Workdays often have to shift and updates are sent through the listserv.
Q: Can I help lead workdays?
A: We would love that. Please let us know if you want to help out.
Q: Can gardeners send emails to the whole listserv?
A: Sure. We ask that you use discretion – just like any time when emailing a large group of people. We also ask that you use the listserve for garden purposes, such as seed swapping, etc. Any issues/complaints are more appropriately directed to the Steering Committee at bmcg-steering-committee@googlegroups.com
Q: Can I turn off email notifications?
A: As you wish, but that’s a risky move as all communication about the garden comes through the listserv. Be careful not to miss important updates.
Q: Does the garden ever host social events?
A: Sometimes! In the past, we have held events, like harvest parties or workshops. If you are interested in helping plan a social activity, we could use the help.
Q: Do plants get stolen from plots?
A: Unfortunately, sometimes this does happen. The park is a public space and people are free to come and go as they like. Sometimes gardeners notice that items have been taken from their plots. We understand the frustration that many gardeners feel and this has been a source of discussion in the past. Gardeners have many strong opinions on what should or should not be done in response to any theft, but again, the park is a public space. If you have a complaint, we again ask you to take it directly to the Steering Committee.