

Enjoying fall and the harvest


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Meeting the Mayor, Garden Art, and the Bug Brigade

A lot has happened since our last blog update in May. To start, a group of us got to tell our community about the garden at a July 4th party at the park held by the Mayor’s office. Mayor Bowser herself stopped by to say hello, and got a garden…

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May! Mulberries, new beds, and a great work day

It’s May – almost June – and the garden is starting to overflow with bounty. Lots of wonderful things are ripening in our shared community plots, like radish, peas, and an abundance of herbs. And our mulberry trees are starting to fill with delicious berries – free for the taking! Both…

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April day of mulching, shed-painting, and celebration

Thank you to all who came out for our April work day last Saturday to help keep the garden in top form, and to get together to celebrate spring in the garden (though as we write this spring feels like it snuck back indoors for a few days). We got…

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First Work Day of 2015 – Huge Success!

Last Saturday we had our first workday of the 2015 season, and it couldn’t have been a bigger success. Over 50 of you came out to help get the garden ready for the season, and get it ready we did! Our biggest effort was moving the massive piles of compost…

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Introducing Our Little Free Library

    For the past few months we have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of our Little Free Library. This past Saturday, the day finally arrived for our library installation and grand opening. Student designers and their mentors who helped build our library came out to help install it. But first we had…

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Little Free Library Coming Soon…

Did you know we are getting a Little Free Library at Bruce Monroe Community Garden?   If you haven’t heard of, or seen, a Little Free Library before around DC (and there are a few!), they are in their most basic form, a box full of books where anyone can stop by…

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March Work Day: Getting Spring Fever

Bruce Monroe Community Garden hosted our 2014 Season Kick-off on March 15. We had a great number of gardeners and community members come out to enjoy a beautiful day—and get their hands dirty. We got a lot accomplished, but had a lot of fun doing it. In addition to meeting…

In: Work Days

2014 Season…Here We Come!

Although we’ve had a colder than average winter in DC, we have been busy planning garden improvements and gearing up for the upcoming growing season. The Bruce Monroe Community Garden has already hosted two work days this season—and they were about as opposite as you could imagine: frozen snow-covered ground…

In: Work Days

Hello world!

Welcome to the Bruce Monroe Community Garden! We began our all-volunteer garden in the summer of 2011 when we built 130 raised beds throughout the spring and early summer. Over the next three years, we expanded the garden to 194 rented plots and 20 shared garden spaces for communal gardening…

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